Get CPU speed
I’m not all that good at ASM so what all this does I can’t explain in much detail. [code lang=”delphi”]function TForm1.GetCpuSpeed: Extended; var…
Get the OS-Version
How to get the OS-Version? Solution by GRS: // —— Code starts ——
[code lang=”delphi”]procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); Var RootPath : String; Sec_Cluster, Bytes_Sec, Free_Clusters, Total_Clusters : DWord; begin // Set the Drive to check RootPath :=…
[code lang=”delphi”]procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); Var S1 : String; F1 : File; FStruct : TOFSTRUCT; TheDate : TDateTime; Han1 : Integer; I : Integer;…
Key Codes
{ Virtual Keys, Standard Set } VK_LBUTTON = 1; VK_RBUTTON = 2; VK_CANCEL = 3; VK_MBUTTON = 4; { NOT contiguous with L…
Keys Status
[code lang=”delphi”]Procedure TForm1.GetStatusInfo; const CapPanel = 1; NumPanel = 2; ScrlPanel = 3; DatePanel = 4; begin with StatusBar1 do begin if GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL)…
OS Version-Numbers
Version No. of OS: >Versions are : >Win95 : 4.0.950 >Win95 OSR2 : 4.0.1111 >Win98 : 4.10.1998 >Win98SE : 4.10.2222 >WinME : 4.10.3000…
[code lang=”delphi”]procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); Var S1 : String; FHan : Integer; I2 : Integer; S2 : String; S3 : String; FStruct : TOFSTRUCT;…
Simulating a keystroke
> I know this a dumb question but how do I make the system think the user > pressed Enter from somewhere other…
> How do I detect if NT4 or Windows 95/98 is running > many thanks in advance Found this bit of code: DETECT…