Add Icons to FNPListBox
[code lang=”delphi”]procedure TForm1.FnpListBox1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; Index, Col: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); Var intIcon : Integer; TheName : String; NewBitmap : TBitmap; begin If…
Add Icons To ListBox
[code lang=”delphi”]procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TSender); var Icon: TIcon; begin Icon := TIcon.Create; Icon.LoadFromFile(‘ORANGE.ICO’); ListBox1.Items.AddObject(‘Orange’, Icon); end;[/code] [tags]Delphi, Components, ListBox[/tags]
Create Editable ListBox
NOTE : This will also work with an OwnerDraw ListBox But be sure you “pad” the Left Property of the Edit so Any…
Horizontal Scrollbar
ListBox with a horizontal Scrollbar? Yes, it’s possible: [code lang=”delphi”] SendMessage(ListBox1.handle, LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, ItemWidth, 0); [/code] Also look at the component called LongList on…