
TreeView Scroll when Drag

The following code works in a TListBox. I assume that it will also work
in a TTreeView. I have the Timer1.Interval set to 250. Declare a
private variable sDirection : String.

Good luck,

[code lang=”delphi”]procedure TfrmExportData.lbFieldsExportingDragOver(Sender, Source:
X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
Accept := Sender = Source;
if (Accept) and (iStartItem = 0) then begin
iStartItem := lbFieldsExporting.ItemIndex;

// handle the scrolling of the listbox
if Y < 0 then begin // need to scroll the listbox up sDirection := 'UP'; timer1.enabled := true; end else begin if y > lbFieldsExporting.height – 5 then begin
// need to scroll the listbox down
sDirection := ‘DOWN’;
timer1.enabled := true;
end else begin
// need to stop scrolling of the listbox
timer1.enabled := false;
end; // if y > lbFieldsExporting.height – 5 then begin
end; // if Y < 0 then begin end; procedure TfrmExportData.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin if sDirection = 'UP' then PostMessage( lbFieldsExporting.handle, wm_vscroll, sb_lineup,0) else PostMessage( lbFieldsExporting.handle, wm_vscroll, sb_linedown,0); end; [/code] [tags]Delphi, Components, TreeView[/tags]

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